I have, for some reason, recently been rather nostalgic. It all started off while I was looking for something (which has escaped me now) and happened across some old school reports from when I was between 7 and 9. On the back of these reports the school I went to had us write about the things that happened during year. Questions like what are your favorite lessons? and who is your best friend? were answered. It made me particularly happy look over what little me had written and how I'd progressed in those years. I didn't think much of it and continued on searching for the desired item.
A little later I was planning on having an 'clear out' of my Instagram as one does when they are overtly organised, so I could delete all the rubbish and random photos I had posted when I had nothing else to do. But instead of the tidy up I had originally planned I ended up on another major nostalgia trip. I worked it out and I've had Instagram for 3 years! I was early on the Instagram band wagon, and happily so! Looking back at the photos of all the day trips and things done that I had completely forgotten about was joyful! If you'd like to have a look click here.
This has therefore spurred me to get back into blogging. Even though not everything will be of interest to future me, looking back on I imagine many of the things will! So my current plan is to document as many of my favorite things, days out, and creations as I possibly can, so I'll remember them with fondness in my later life. To make it a little more interesting for others I also fully intend to continue with reviews, recipes and the like too. So hopefully I will keep my promise and get going!
(the first of many trips to remember)
I hope you have a lovely day!
Cheerio x